The social Web's echo chambers

By Anne Collier A discussion of the benefits of the social Web wouldn’t be complete without a mention of an emerging risk: that the technology of personalization is becoming so sophisticated that this giant digital space is getting carved up into a myriad little...

Great advice to schools on cyberbullying

By Anne Collier I don’t think research on this exists, but it looks like a lot of schools are still laboring under the misconception that they can’t do anything about bullying among students that’s “off-campus” because online. School...

Digital social basics for parents (or grandparents)

By Anne Collier Is anyone in your (extended) family needing a primer on (Web- and phone-based) social networking, maybe to understand what his great-granddaughter finds so compelling about “this Facebook thing?” If so, David Pogue at the New York Times...

The Net effect

Parents, teachers, students, if anybody asks, here’s why it’s so important to think before you post. by Anne Collier Just why do we need to think before we post and text? A logical question your kids may be asking you. Here’s a possible answer:...