ConnectSafely releases A Parents’ Guide to Student Data Privacy

Click here to view A Parents Guide to Student Data PrivacyPalo Alto, CA, (April 28, 2015) –, a leading non-profit Internet safety organization, today released A Parents’ Guide to Student Data Privacy, in partnership with the Future of Privacy Forum...

Banning Yik Yak from colleges is counterproductive

No doubt about it: There are some vile posts on Yik Yak and other social media platforms. But just because some people use these platforms to intimidate and spread hate is not justification to ban them from college campuses — Instead, people should (and often...

Time to redefine and de-silo online safety efforts

I’m in Washington DC to attend the Family Online Safety Institute’s (FOSI) annual conference that gets underway on Wednesday. This year’s theme is Redefining Internet Safety, and while I don’t yet know how others will redefine it, I do know...

The next version of 'Internet safety': A look under the hood

By Anne Collier “Under the bonnet,” colleagues across the Atlantic and Down Under might say. I put it that way because this post is a bit more e-safety geeky than usual. Parents and caregivers who don’t geek out on this topic might find this mildly...