Tips for Safe Social Networking for Teens

These tips, based on the latest research, will help teens’ socializing stay fun and safe. Be your own person. Don’t let friends or strangers pressure you to be someone you aren’t. And know your limits. You may be internet savvy, but people and...

Social Web Tips for Parents

Be reasonable and try to set reasonable expectations. Pulling the plug on your child’s favorite social site is like pulling the plug on his or her social life. Instead of being protective, it can shut down communication and send kids “underground” where...
The myth of separate personal and professional social media accounts

The myth of separate personal and professional social media accounts

By Kerry Gallagher Often connected educators advise their new-to-the-PLN (personal learning network) colleagues to create a separate Twitter/Instagram/Facebook account for professional purposes. While most are already connected to family and friends on social media,...