Welcome to the new ConnectSafely.org

Welcome to the new ConnectSafely.org

Hi, and welcome to our updated site. It has received a much-needed facelift, and is now home to the ConnectSafely Blogger Network, a growing network of experts in the fields of safety, security, privacy, digital literacy, bullying and other topics you care about....
Internet of Things taking off amidst privacy concerns

Internet of Things taking off amidst privacy concerns

by Larry Magid Apple Watch is one of the newer IoT products[/caption] From a product standpoint, the so-called Internet of Things or IoT is in its infancy but, if some prognosticators are correct, it’s poised for enormous growth over the next couple of decades....
Teens speak: Should students publish their school work online?

Teens speak: Should students publish their school work online?

by Kerry Gallagher An educator chooses her content specialty because she is passionate about it and see its relevance in everything she does. This is not always true for the students who sit in classrooms. In an effort to help students’ work truly matter,...
Google gets kid & family friendly with updates

Google gets kid & family friendly with updates

by Larry Magid: Google kicked off its annual I/O developers conference in San Francisco on Thursday with a long list of announcements, and two are aimed at making the company’s products more friendly for kids, parents and classrooms. The search giant is updating...