Two 2014 anniversaries that say reams about our kids' futures

By Anne Collier We don’t want to let 2014 slip away without marking two anniversaries that are very important to our children: those of an invention and a convention. This year was the 25th anniversary of Tim Berners-Lee’s release of his computer code...

Digital & social: A teen’s perspective on parenting

Guest post by Jason Brand This guest post by family therapist Jason Brand is a composite of many teens’ views and experiences, those expressed in family and individual therapy sessions. “It’s some of the words behind the anger, avoidance or even just frustrated...
Americans lack confidence about controlling privacy

Americans lack confidence about controlling privacy

Whether it’s from government snoops or online marketers, most Americans feel that they have little or no control over how their online personal information is being collected and used. These are the findings of a study, Public Perceptions of Privacy and Security in...

Time to redefine and de-silo online safety efforts

I’m in Washington DC to attend the Family Online Safety Institute’s (FOSI) annual conference that gets underway on Wednesday. This year’s theme is Redefining Internet Safety, and while I don’t yet know how others will redefine it, I do know...