Online privacy primer

by Larry Magid View more presentations from ConnectSafely Privacy Primer Slideshow Watch what you post There is a lot of talk about how social networks, search engines and even seemingly innocuous websites can invade our privacy, but the biggest risk to our privacy is...

Parenting in the digital age: Research insights

By Anne Collier A lot of insights into digital-age parenting have been surfacing in the research this year – so much good stuff, in fact, that I’m going to crunch it way down into brief snapshots and give you the links so you can find what’s relevant to...
Cyberbullying: A serious problem, but not an epidemic

Cyberbullying: A serious problem, but not an epidemic

This is an updated version of post that first appeared on in 2009. Updated to coincide with CBS News 48 Hours special on bullying. by Larry Magid The first things you need to know about cyberbullying are that it’s not an epidemic and it’s not killing our...

An appropriately social anti-bullying campaign

By Anne Collier I think the very reason why this year’s big-media anti-bullying campaign featuring CNN’s Anderson Cooper has a much more effective message – “Stop Bullying: Speak Up” – is because a social media partner’s involved. Last...

'Juvenoia,' Part 1: Why Internet fear is overrated

Prominent US online-risk researcher David Finkelhor says there’s no evidence to support fears that the Internet increases youth risk and, in fact, there’s evidence suggesting the opposite. By Anne Collier Referred to variously as technopanic, predator...