Back to school tech guide

Back to school tech guide

By Larry Magid With school already in session or about to start, lots of people are shopping for new technology. Whether it’s a young student looking for a phone or a tablet or an older one in need of a laptop, there are plenty of products to think about for the...

Tips for safe online holiday shopping

By Larry Magid With the holiday season upon us, a lot of people will be shopping online this year. For the most part, it’s pretty safe but there are some basic precautions worth remembering. One risk when shopping online is to be sure you’re dealing with a...
Attacking encryption and social media won't curtail extremism

Attacking encryption and social media won't curtail extremism

By Larry Magid I’m writing this column on a train from Washington to New York. Both cities have been the subject of recent threats claiming to be from ISIS and I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t just a bit on edge. I don’t know if the threats...
As ever younger kids go online, how is the family responding?

As ever younger kids go online, how is the family responding?

By Sonia Livingstone In autumn 2014, as researchers from across Europe, we spent time interviewing and observing in the family homes of 6- to 7-year-olds and their younger siblings. We talked to parents, looked at how digital media were dispersed around the house,...

Seven good smartphone security habits

by Monica Vila As we load up our smartphones and tablets with more and more personal information, it’s time to get serious about mobile security. Despite the proliferation of cloud backup services, we still remain vulnerable to lost or stolen handsets, data theft, and...