Social Media — News & Popular Guides

Quick-Guide to Secure Passwords

The FBI along with other security experts are now recommending a “pass phrase” rather than simply a password. Such a phrase should be relatively long – at least 15 characters.

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Do Passwords Really Protect Us?

Do Passwords Really Protect Us?

Online security expert Andrew Shikiar of FIDO Alliance talked to us about phishing, vishing, social engineering, and what’s wrong with passwords. “Simply put, passwords aren’t up to the task.”

One Person’s Internet Junk is Another Person’s Treasure

One Person’s Internet Junk is Another Person’s Treasure

That expression, “one person’s junk is another person’s treasure” could certainly be applied to the internet. But when it comes to some controversial content, I’d go a step further to say “one person’s sewer is another person’s rose garden.”

Why Teens Love TikTok

We spoke with Jeff Collins and Lavanya Mahendran about all things TikTok, including how people are creatively using the service during this period plus TikTok’s new safety features.

YouTube Cutting Hateful and Extremist Videos

YouTube Cutting Hateful and Extremist Videos

YouTube is pulling the plug on thousands of videos that promote bigoted views, including “videos that promote or glorify Nazi ideology, which is inherently discriminatory,”

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