Social Media — News & Popular Guides

Ask Trish: Stressing About Social Media

Ask Trish: Stressing About Social Media

I’m always so stressed about social media, like who’s viewing my stories, how my pictures look, and if I “measure up” to everyone else. How do I let go?

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Quick-Guide to Secure Passwords

Quick-Guide to Secure Passwords

The FBI along with other security experts are now recommending a “pass phrase” rather than simply a password. Such a phrase should be relatively long – at least 15 characters.

New Research & Resources for Online Wellness

New Research & Resources for Online Wellness

It’s been a big week when it comes to resources for promoting wellness and helping protect children online. with new resources from Google and Instagram and a study from Common Sense Media.

How We Got Here

How We Got Here

Because they’ve been written about extensively, there’s no need for me to repeat how the internet – Facebook, Twitter and lesser-known sites like Gab and the now-suspended Parler have contributed to the division, vitriol and violence that has shaken our country.

Parent’s Guide to Tech for Tots

Parent’s Guide to Tech for Tots

Teaching even our youngest children how to use devices and interact with digital content in a healthy way has become an important part of parenting.

Online Conspiracy Theories Could Hurt Kids

Online Conspiracy Theories Could Hurt Kids

Conspiracy theories have been circulating on social media and getting ever more convoluted. Facebook, Twitter and other companies have taken some actions to reduce their visibility, but they are still present in one form or another.

Do Passwords Really Protect Us?

Do Passwords Really Protect Us?

Online security expert Andrew Shikiar of FIDO Alliance talked to us about phishing, vishing, social engineering, and what’s wrong with passwords. “Simply put, passwords aren’t up to the task.”

One Person’s Internet Junk is Another Person’s Treasure

One Person’s Internet Junk is Another Person’s Treasure

That expression, “one person’s junk is another person’s treasure” could certainly be applied to the internet. But when it comes to some controversial content, I’d go a step further to say “one person’s sewer is another person’s rose garden.”

More Recommendations

Survey Shows Adults Lack Trust in Social Media

Survey Shows Adults Lack Trust in Social Media

It’s been obvious for awhile that we’re starting to experience a tech backlash, with an increasing number of people expressing skepticism over whether our devices and social media are doing us harm. Some of this skepticism can be healthy when, for example, it leads to people tightening up their privacy settings or putting down their phones and stepping away from their computers for quality time with friends and family. But, as a couple of recent surveys have found, it’s also starting to cause people to think more about regulating technology companies.

The Good and Bad of Location Sharing

The Good and Bad of Location Sharing

Two recent news stories about cell phone location services recently caught my eye. One was a positive development and the other quite negative, until it was at least partially fixed.