Parents: Check your (online) behavior

By Sue Sheff We frequently hear and discuss the behavior of youth on social media, but we rarely discuss how adults behave online. And while you’ve probably heard how kids engage in sexting and other risky behaviors online, did you know that according to one recent...

Sony's hacked emails present a teachable moment

by Larry Magid The Sony hack, which the FBI  is now blaming on North Korea, wound up exposing emails between Sony executives and others in the entertainment industry, including some embarrassing bombshells about Sony executives and some very well known movie...

Perfect digital parenting doesn't exist

By Anne Collier I’m stating the obvious – that perfect digital-age parenting doesn’t exist – but let me explain why it doesn’t. Writer Heather Havrilesky got me thinking about this with her commentary “The ‘Mommy’ Problem” in...

Dealing with the nasties online

By Anne Collier Pondering positive ways to deal with online negativity seems to be a trend – maybe even a blooming social norm! Because, in response to social cruelty like the recent tragic trolling of Robin Williams’s daughter Zelda Williams, other people...