Tips for Getting Cached Content Removed

We recently helped a 17-year-old get a topless photo and fake profile removed from a social networking site. But even though content was deleted from the service, the picture and fake profile lived on as “cached” or archived content in the Google Search...
How to Disable Location on your Mobile Device

How to Disable Location on your Mobile Device

Android Phones and Devices: Go to Settings, then Permissions, then Location and turn it off. When an app asks for access to your location, you can choose to grant it or not. To disable geo-tagging of photos, open the camera and then click on the gear icon and set...

Tips for Smart Videogaming

More than just fun ‘n’ games. They can be a social experience – in a single room or over the Internet. For some families, they can be a way to get together. They’re also an evolving art form, like film. And research has shown that many games can be...