“This Was Not a Money-Making Machine.” Internet Pioneer Leonard Kleinrock and the First Network

“Today's problems are very serious,” says internet pioneer Leonard Kleinrock.

Dec 13, 2023

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What we know as the internet sprung to life in computer scientist Leonard Kleinrock’s UCLA lab in 1969. 

Larry Magid and Leonard Kleinrock

“This was not a money-making machine. This was a scientific engineering challenge. And that was exciting. Things were working,” he says.

Fast-forward to now. “Today’s problems are very serious,” he says. “We’re facing not only sophisticated hackers. We’ve got nation-states. We’ve got organized crime. We’ve got a wealth of misinformation and false information. Those things are big problems, and they worry me. You know, I’m afraid, among other things, that the internet is starting to get balkanized, whereby countries are putting rings around their network. So these rings can’t talk to each other. And if they don’t, you’ve lost the effect of the internet.”

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