Wellness & Safety — News & Popular Guides

Tips to Help Stop Cyberbullying

Tips to Help Stop Cyberbullying

Guidance for parents and young people on cyberbullying, including advice for ending (or preventing) the cycle of aggression. For a more comprehensive look, see A Parents' Guide to Cyberbullying.  For kids and teens Know that it's not your fault. What people call "bullying" is sometimes an argument between two people. But if someone is repeatedly cruel to you, that's bullying and you mustn't...

Facebook’s Messenger & Instagram’s Disappearing Act

Snapchat may have pioneered disappearing posts in social media, but Facebook is adding a disappearing act to messaging. Vanish Mode, for Facebook's Messenger and Instagram, enables users to send messages that disappear once they are viewed and the viewer leaves the...

Digital Wellness is Cognitive Wellness

Digital Wellness is Cognitive Wellness

We actually have the power to improve our brain’s ability to acquire, understand, and apply information. But sometimes our screen use can get in the way.

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FCC Allows Phone Companies to Block Robocalls

FCC Allows Phone Companies to Block Robocalls

The Federal Communications Commission voted unanimously on Thursday to allow phone companies to block unwanted robocalls. Companies will now be allowed to block these calls by default

YouTube Cutting Hateful and Extremist Videos

YouTube Cutting Hateful and Extremist Videos

YouTube is pulling the plug on thousands of videos that promote bigoted views, including “videos that promote or glorify Nazi ideology, which is inherently discriminatory,”

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