Wellness & Safety — News & Popular Guides

Zoom Chief Product Officer Oded Gal

Larry Magid and Kerry Gallagher interview Zoom Chief Product Officer Oded Gal about how the company is handling its explosive growth and how to use Zoom’s privacy, safety and security features

Avoiding ‘Zoom Fatigue’

Avoiding ‘Zoom Fatigue’

Over the past couple of years there has been an increased focus on screen time. Much of this has to do with the pandemic that has forced both adults and children into video meetings and learning during times when it was considered unsafe to gather in person.

Facebook News: It’s Complicated

Facebook News: It’s Complicated

One of my favorite phrases is “it’s complicated,” because it expresses the fact that many things in life are not as simple as they seem.

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Amazon's FreeTime and Other Products for Children

Amazon's FreeTime and Other Products for Children

Podcast | Amazon has made a big push when it comes to products for kids. To find out more about the products and services and how Amazon handles safety and privacy, ConnectSafely.org CEO and CBS News Tech Analyst Larry Magid spoke with Amazon’s Kurt Beidler.

Symantec's Paige Hanson on How to Stay Safe Online

Symantec's Paige Hanson on How to Stay Safe Online

Podcast | ConnectSafely CEO and CBS News Tech Analyst Larry Magid spoke with Paige Hanson, Symantec’s Chief of Identity Education about all things security. They not only spoke about the threats, but what people can do to stay safe online.

App Motivates Kids to Move

App Motivates Kids to Move

A new smartphone app, Goya-Move is “designed to get children off their mobile devices and moving again.”

Survey Shows Adults Lack Trust in Social Media

Survey Shows Adults Lack Trust in Social Media

It’s been obvious for awhile that we’re starting to experience a tech backlash, with an increasing number of people expressing skepticism over whether our devices and social media are doing us harm. Some of this skepticism can be healthy when, for example, it leads to people tightening up their privacy settings or putting down their phones and stepping away from their computers for quality time with friends and family. But, as a couple of recent surveys have found, it’s also starting to cause people to think more about regulating technology companies.

The Good and Bad of Location Sharing

The Good and Bad of Location Sharing

Two recent news stories about cell phone location services recently caught my eye. One was a positive development and the other quite negative, until it was at least partially fixed.

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