Luxury Consumerism

Luxury Consumerism

By Kerry Gallagher In a recent study of 13-17 year olds, teens’ interests in luxury brands were heavily influenced by what they saw on social media. This was true for both boys and girls, and the age at which teens were most susceptible to influence was 15 years...
Brain Breaks are Essential for Learning

Brain Breaks are Essential for Learning

By Kerry Gallagher The researcher and author of a 2021 study shared, “Breaks are often misconstrued as a pause in the active learning process, instead of the period when our brains compress and consolidate memories of what we just practiced.” In other words, our...
Family Movie Night

Family Movie Night

By Kerry Gallagher Research shows that families who routinely watch movies together are more likely to discuss important and difficult topics like substance abuse, gender equity, death and grieving, and mental health. In fact, research shows that “movies have...
FOMO: What It Is and How to Manage It

FOMO: What It Is and How to Manage It

By Kerry Gallagher According to Dr. Elizabeth Scott, who focuses her work on stress management psychology, a 1996 research paper by marketing strategist Dr. Dan Herman coined the term “fear of missing out.” Since the advent of social media, however, FOMO has...
Have Awkward Conversations Often

Have Awkward Conversations Often

By Kerry Gallagher In newly published research from Thorn, 1 in 3 teen minors have had an online sexual interaction. These interactions might include sexting and sharing of “nudes” – photos of private body parts. Whether on the sending or receiving end of this...