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By Kerry Gallagher

In newly published research from Thorn, 1 in 3 teen minors have had an online sexual interaction. These interactions might include sexting and sharing of “nudes” – photos of private body parts. Whether on the sending or receiving end of this sharing, 1 in 5 indicated they had not talked to anyone about their online sexual interaction. Those who did talk to others were more likely to talk to trusted friends they know in person (not online) than anyone else. What would empower teens to report these interactions and make the platforms they use safer?

  • 3 in 4 teens said that anonymity in reporting would make them more likely to use reporting tools.
  • Half of teens said they would like to know more from the platforms they use about how to report and block other users in harmful situations.

This research should encourage us, as the adults who care about teens, to be willing to have the awkward conversations often about online interactions. The more we talk about it, the more we make it OK for our teens to talk about it.

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