Prepare your family-tech before a major storm or power failure occurs

Whether it’s winter storms, fall hurricanes  or just random occurrences, power failures are a fact of life and can happen any time and anywhere. If they do occur, they can affect your family’s technology and that same technology can be a life saver in an...

Sexual harassment victim's secret weapon — 'telling their mothers'

Alanah Pearce, a 21 year-old game reviewer from Brisbane, Australia has had more than her share of online hate, including rape threats. But, she told Alternet about her plan for dealing with her young harassers. I only realized quite recently that the majority of...
Americans lack confidence about controlling privacy

Americans lack confidence about controlling privacy

Whether it’s from government snoops or online marketers, most Americans feel that they have little or no control over how their online personal information is being collected and used. These are the findings of a study, Public Perceptions of Privacy and Security in...