The evolution of online safety: Lessons learned over 20 years

When I wrote the original version of Child Safety on the Information Highway (click here for 20th anniversary updated version), in 1994, “online safety” was largely defined as keeping kids away from porn and predators and the solution was pretty much...

Let’s not underestimate the impact of cyberbullying

For advice on how to deal with cyberbullying, check out’s new free online booklet, A Parents’ Guide to Cyberbullying I’ve written several columns about how people tend to exaggerate the number of kids who are affected by...

It's time for adults to stop bullying kids and each other

We hear a lot about kids bullying* other kids and it is indeed a problem. But what about adults bullying other adults, or adults bullying kids? True, bullying is a problem among youth. The National Center for Education Statistics reported that in 2009, 28 percent of...

Examples of Research-Based Safety Advice

Parents’ Guides A Parents’ Guide to Facebook A Parents’ Guide to Google+ Safety Tips FAQ on Sexting and Sextortion Tips to Prevent Teen Sexting Tips for Smart Videogaming Safety Tips for GPS Location-Sharing Cellphone Safety Tips Safety tips en Español View all...