Protecting Mental Health on Instagram

Protecting Mental Health on Instagram

by Larry Magid This post first appeared in the Mercury News Listen to “Instagram and teen mental health” on Spreaker. Larry Magid talks with experts on this 1-minute CBS News ConnectSafely Report A recent Wall Street Journal article revealed internal...
Ask Trish: A Fresh Look at Finstas (Or Fake Instas)

Ask Trish: A Fresh Look at Finstas (Or Fake Instas)

“What’s your take on Finstas?” I’m so glad you asked! But first, let’s start with the basics. For those of you who aren’t familiar, “Finstas” refers to “Fake Instas” or “fake instagram accounts.” Hold your horses: these are not fake accounts, or accounts that have...
Ask Trish: The Pressure to Be Perfect

Ask Trish: The Pressure to Be Perfect

“I sometimes feel like the pressure to be perfect on social media can be so overwhelming. Do you have tips for managing social media anxiety and being authentic online?” First and foremost, let me start by saying: I get it and trust me, you’re not alone. I can’t tell...
New Research & Resources for Online Wellness

New Research & Resources for Online Wellness

By Larry Magid This post first appeared in the Mercury News It’s been a big week when it comes to resources for promoting wellness and helping protect children online. Instagram announced that it will now prevent adults from sending messages to people under 18 who...

Safer Internet Day 2021 Videos

We interviewed leaders from the worlds of education, technology, nonprofits and law enforcement about a range of urgent issues, including online toxicity, racial justice, free speech, misinformation, how to manage screen time while staying connected during the...