Parent’s Guide to ZEPETO

Parent’s Guide to ZEPETO

ZEPETO is popular among teens for designing content, fashion, items, and virtual environments.

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Facebook News: It’s Complicated

One of my favorite phrases is “it’s complicated,” because it expresses the fact that many things in life are not as simple as they seem.

What is Digital Wellness?

Educators are surely familiar with the term “digital citizenship.” We are familiar with coaching and modeling for our students the ways toward acting as an upstander, blocking and reporting bullies and bad actors, and making the internet a more positive and truthful place.

Ask Trish: Showing Up for Bullying Prevention Month

Dear Trish: What’s bullying prevention month? (I mean, I know what it is...but why does it matter?) And how can I really “show up” this year? Hi everyone! After a mental health break last week -- speaking of which, I hope you all enjoyed some self-care and a break...

Ask Trish: Help! Photoshopped Nudes

Dear Trish, Help! Some stranger followed me on social media and is now threatening to send these photoshopped nude pictures of me to all of my followers.

Ask Trish: How To Be An Upstander

Dear Trish: You often say that we should be Upstanders to hate. But how can I actually do that, particularly when the “cyberbullies” are your friend?

Parent Guides

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Wellness and Safety

Ask Trish: Follow Requests

Ask Trish: Follow Requests

By Trisha Prabhu Trish, I get follow requests from ppl I don’t know, or ppl at my school that I haven’t really talked to and I never know whether I should accept or not. How do u know who to accept? Hi there, and thank you so much for this important and super...

Parent, Educator & Youth Guide to LGBTQ Cyberbullying

By Warren J. Blumenfeld, Ed.D. Download Free Guide (PDF) All young people deserve to grow up in a world where they are accepted, loved and treated with compassion, but sadly, that’s not the case for everyone. Some young people are vulnerable to bullying,...

Parent’s Guide to Roblox

By Maureen Kochan and Larry Magid, Ed.D. Download Quick Guide (PDF) If your kids love to play online games, one of the names you may be hearing about a lot lately is Roblox. Launched in 2006, Roblox’s popularity among gamers 8-years-old and up has exploded, and it is...

Strengthening Resilience During Tough Times

We spoke with Rabbi Kevin Bemel, a former US Navy chaplain, about resilience, relationships and thriving during difficult times. Bemel hosts "The Way to Wow" on YouTube. "The personal mantra I've adopted over the last 6 months is 'courage at all times,'" he says....


Parenting and Working While Sheltering at Home

Parenting and Working While Sheltering at Home

 Podcast: CEO Larry Magid chats with parent and veteran educator Kerry Gallagher about tips for parenting and educating kids at home. By Larry Magid With many communities under a “shelter at home” order and others smartly taking precautions, a...

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1. Generative AI for Families

2. Smart Digital Parenting: Navigating Screens with Children & Teens

3. New Gaming Research


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