Safer Internet Day has lessons for us all

Safer Internet Day has lessons for us all

For the past 13 years, countries across Europe have celebrated Safer Internet Day on the second Tuesday of February. And, since 2014, the event has also been celebrated in the United States, hosted by, the nonprofit Internet safety group that I...
The part of technology education we should talk about first

The part of technology education we should talk about first

by Kerry Gallagher October is both Cyber Security Awareness Month and Bullying Prevention Month. Quite appropriately, the month kicked off on October 3 with the first National Digital Citizenship Summit. Digital citizenship encompasses thoughtful use of connected...
Click or treat: A parent's role in social media

Click or treat: A parent's role in social media

by Sue Scheff As a parent you have the power to decide if your child is old or responsible enough to have any tech gadget that is on the market today.   It is not only a privilege for a child to have a cell phone or any form of technology, it is a treat.    As a...
Guide helps educators navigate social media

Guide helps educators navigate social media

  by Larry Magid You’ve heard the stories — teachers who got themselves into trouble over what they posted in social media or were, perhaps, cyberbullied by students. And then there are tales of students wasting their time using social media in class....