General Safety Advice

Use the privacy and safety tools available within each app you use and check them regularly. Here’s a link to ConnectSafely’s guides and quick-guides for the most popular apps. Avoid sharing personal information, including address, phone number, email...
Ask Trish: A (Brief) Privacy Education

Ask Trish: A (Brief) Privacy Education

Dear Trish: I’ve been seeing all of this stuff in the news about privacy and it’s got me thinking about how to protect myself. I think privacy is really important but I’m not sure what to do. Hi there! First of all, thank you so much for the important, and indeed,...
Snapchat Launches Family Center

Snapchat Launches Family Center

Snapchat is launching Family Center, a tool that allows teens to opt-in so that their parents have insight into how they’re using the popular chat app and who they’re interacting with. It’s opt-in on both ends, which means that the teens must agree. Snapchat’s Family...
How to Protect, Backup and Find Your Phone

How to Protect, Backup and Find Your Phone

by Larry MagidThis post first appeared in the Mercury News One of the most common questions in my household is “do you know where my phone is.” Sometimes it’s easy to locate but if not, and my wife’s phone is nearby, I’ll simply call it...
Ask Trish: Spoken Cyberbullying

Ask Trish: Spoken Cyberbullying

By Trisha Prabhu Hey Trish, Someone on Google Hangouts said a bunch of mean things to me. I was so hurt. What do I do when someone actually says mean things online? Hi there, and thank you so much for so bravely sharing this difficult, unacceptable experience with our...