- Use the privacy and safety tools available within each app you use and check them regularly. Here’s a link to ConnectSafely’s guides and quick-guides for the most popular apps.
- Avoid sharing personal information, including address, phone number, email address and any credit card, bank account, social security information or any other sensitive information.
- Use strong passwords that are unique to every app, device or service and multi-factor authentication. Don’t share passwords.
- Don’t engage in inappropriate conversations or any experiences within an app that isn’t right for you. Children and teens should avoid any conversations that are sexual in nature, especially with people they don’t know in the real world.
- Children should be very careful before interacting with adults other than family members.
- Be mindful of your physical safety. Don’t use your phone or other devices when it could be dangerous, such as when driving or walking.
- Treat others how you want to be treated. Don’t engage with people who just want to spread negativity. They’re likely just looking for a reaction, not an honest exchange.
- Report, block anyone who breaks the rules or bothers you.
- Take breaks and try to balance your use of technology with other activities, including family time, work, study, hobbies and exercise.
ConnectSafely Guides & Quick-Guides
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Online risks and how to manage them – ConnectSafely