ConnectSafely’s Comment on COPPA 2024 Revisions

Submitted to Federal Trade Commission March 8, 2024 Comments in response to FTC proposed rule change ConnectSafely is pleased to comment on the proposed changes to COPPA. We agree that it’s appropriate, from time to time, to revisit legislation to adjust for new...
Protect Yourself from Online Trolling Behavior

Protect Yourself from Online Trolling Behavior

If a post goes viral, even within a circle of friends, we are more at risk of being a target for online trolling behaviors. The APA (American Psychological Association) recommends 5 approaches to prevent being targeted and to take action if it happens: Consider the...

A Parents’ Guide to Google+

Google+ is literally Google with a plus. The “+” is the social networking piece it adds to all of Google’s other services, including Web search, Gmail, and YouTube – which makes the complete package even more attractive to young people. In this...
An Update on Social Media, Capitol Hill, and Proposed Legislation

An Update on Social Media, Capitol Hill, and Proposed Legislation

By Kerry Gallagher You may have heard about recent hearings and testimony led by the Senate Judiciary Committee. The CEOs of major social media platforms have been asked to collaborate with lawmakers and support some proposed legislation. Here are some excerpts from...

About Us

ConnectSafely is a Silicon Valley, Calif.-based nonprofit organization dedicated to educating people about online safety, privacy, security and digital wellness. Our resources include research-based safety tips, parents’ guidebooks, advice, news and commentary on all...