Social Media — News & Popular Guides

Parent’s Quick-Guide to Instagram

Parent’s Quick-Guide to Instagram

The main things parents worry about are typical of all social media: mean behavior among peers, encountering — or creating — inappropriate or dangerous content, and overuse.

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Parent’s Guide to Twitch

Parent’s Guide to Twitch

You may not have heard of Twitch but your teen probably has. Here’s what you need to know about the popular live-streaming platform and how you can help your teen use it safely.

Parent’s Guide to ZEPETO

Parent’s Guide to ZEPETO

Parents who understand how ZEPETO works, and why their teen likes it, can better guide their teens in using it safely.

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Ask Trish: Social Media and Mental Health

Ask Trish: Social Media and Mental Health

Dear Trish: Maybe it’s just me but I just feel really bad about myself when I’m on social media. Like literally everyone seems to be living their best life and it reminds me how much is wrong with mine. How can I feel better?

Protecting Mental Health on Instagram

Protecting Mental Health on Instagram

I’m grateful to the Wall Street Journal for shedding light on some of the ways social media can contribute to a sense of inadequacy and other mental health issues. But what the article didn’t include is tips on how parents and teens can deal with these issues for a healthier online experience.

Seniors Flocking to TikTok

Seniors Flocking to TikTok

When you think about TikTok, it’s easy to conjure up images of young teens lip-synching and horsing around in short videos they share with their peers.