Social Media — News & Popular Guides

Protecting Mental Health on Instagram

Protecting Mental Health on Instagram

I’m grateful to the Wall Street Journal for shedding light on some of the ways social media can contribute to a sense of inadequacy and other mental health issues. But what the article didn’t include is tips on how parents and teens can deal with these issues for a healthier online experience.

Facebook Global Head of Safety Antigone Davis

ConnectSafely’s Larry Magid and Kerry Gallagher interview Facebook Global Head of Safety Antigone Davis Podcast (Audio only)Listen to "Antigone Davis Facebook's Head of Global Safety on Facebook's response to Covid-19" on Spreaker.

Seniors Flocking to TikTok

Seniors Flocking to TikTok

When you think about TikTok, it’s easy to conjure up images of young teens lip-synching and horsing around in short videos they share with their peers.

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Survey Shows Adults Lack Trust in Social Media

Survey Shows Adults Lack Trust in Social Media

It’s been obvious for awhile that we’re starting to experience a tech backlash, with an increasing number of people expressing skepticism over whether our devices and social media are doing us harm. Some of this skepticism can be healthy when, for example, it leads to people tightening up their privacy settings or putting down their phones and stepping away from their computers for quality time with friends and family. But, as a couple of recent surveys have found, it’s also starting to cause people to think more about regulating technology companies.

The Good and Bad of Location Sharing

The Good and Bad of Location Sharing

Two recent news stories about cell phone location services recently caught my eye. One was a positive development and the other quite negative, until it was at least partially fixed.

How to Control your Facebook Privacy and Apps

How to Control your Facebook Privacy and Apps

There have been a lot of news stories about Facebook privacy, including personal information being collected and provided to political campaigns. Some people are angry and there is now a movement to #DeleteFacebook.

Teens and Social Media — It’s a Mixed Bag

Teens and Social Media — It’s a Mixed Bag

The recent school shooting in Florida and the example of the remarkable teens who are responding through activism have caused me to revisit an Atlantic article from September 2017 by San Diego state psychology professor Jean Twenge, whose title asks “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?” The article went on to pretty much say “yes.”

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