Social Media — News & Popular Guides

Ask Trish: The Pressure to Be Perfect

Ask Trish: The Pressure to Be Perfect

“I sometimes feel like the pressure to be perfect on social media can be so overwhelming. Do you have tips for managing social media anxiety and being authentic online?” First and foremost, let me start by saying: I get it and trust me, you’re not alone. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten a text from one of my friends asking me for the “sign-off” to post a selfie on Instagram...or...

Tech Tools to Engage your Family in Fun or Educational Activities

There are plenty of tools out there to keep every member of the family engaged during this period when many of us are staying at home. In fact, for some of us, we're experiencing the opposite of social isolation -- having virtual meals with friends and extended...

Quick-Guide to Secure Passwords

Quick-Guide to Secure Passwords

The FBI along with other security experts are now recommending a “pass phrase” rather than simply a password. Such a phrase should be relatively long – at least 15 characters.

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How to Control your Facebook Privacy and Apps

How to Control your Facebook Privacy and Apps

There have been a lot of news stories about Facebook privacy, including personal information being collected and provided to political campaigns. Some people are angry and there is now a movement to #DeleteFacebook.

Teens and Social Media — It’s a Mixed Bag

Teens and Social Media — It’s a Mixed Bag

The recent school shooting in Florida and the example of the remarkable teens who are responding through activism have caused me to revisit an Atlantic article from September 2017 by San Diego state psychology professor Jean Twenge, whose title asks “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?” The article went on to pretty much say “yes.”

What parents need to know about Facebook Messenger Kids

What parents need to know about Facebook Messenger Kids

Messenger Kids, announced Monday, isn’t exactly an education app, but it’s tailored to give kids 6 to 12 the ability to engage in conversations as well as exchange messages, videos and images with parent-approved friends and family.

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