Social Media — News & Popular Guides

Tips to Help Stop Cyberbullying

Guidance for parents and young people on cyberbullying, including advice for ending (or preventing) the cycle of aggression. For a more comprehensive look, see A Parents' Guide to Cyberbullying.  For kids and teens Know that it's not your fault. What people call...

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Seniors Flocking to TikTok

Seniors Flocking to TikTok

When you think about TikTok, it’s easy to conjure up images of young teens lip-synching and horsing around in short videos they share with their peers.

Quick-Guide to Secure Passwords

Quick-Guide to Secure Passwords

The FBI along with other security experts are now recommending a “pass phrase” rather than simply a password. Such a phrase should be relatively long – at least 15 characters.

New Research & Resources for Online Wellness

New Research & Resources for Online Wellness

It’s been a big week when it comes to resources for promoting wellness and helping protect children online. with new resources from Google and Instagram and a study from Common Sense Media.

How We Got Here

How We Got Here

Because they’ve been written about extensively, there’s no need for me to repeat how the internet – Facebook, Twitter and lesser-known sites like Gab and the now-suspended Parler have contributed to the division, vitriol and violence that has shaken our country.

Parent’s Guide to Tech for Tots

Parent’s Guide to Tech for Tots

Teaching even our youngest children how to use devices and interact with digital content in a healthy way has become an important part of parenting.

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YouTube Cutting Hateful and Extremist Videos

YouTube Cutting Hateful and Extremist Videos

YouTube is pulling the plug on thousands of videos that promote bigoted views, including “videos that promote or glorify Nazi ideology, which is inherently discriminatory,”

Why Tech Companies are Offering Services for Younger Children

Why Tech Companies are Offering Services for Younger Children

We’ve all heard the stories about kids spending too much time with their devices or, worse, spending that time doing things online that they probably shouldn’t be doing. It’s been an issue since I started writing about kids and tech in the early 90s but with the proliferation of phones and tablets — sometimes now getting into the tiny hands of toddlers — the issue has the attention of the media, policy makers and the public.