Wellness & Safety — News & Popular Guides

Ask Trish: Stressing About Social Media

Ask Trish: Stressing About Social Media

I’m always so stressed about social media, like who’s viewing my stories, how my pictures look, and if I “measure up” to everyone else. How do I let go?

Digital Wellness is Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness is an area our society is, thankfully, working to build awareness and progress. In schools it is often called “SEL” or social emotional learning and it is sometimes the focus of “self care” content in popular media.

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Facebook News: It’s Complicated

Facebook News: It’s Complicated

One of my favorite phrases is “it’s complicated,” because it expresses the fact that many things in life are not as simple as they seem.

What is Digital Wellness?

What is Digital Wellness?

Educators are surely familiar with the term “digital citizenship.” We are familiar with coaching and modeling for our students the ways toward acting as an upstander, blocking and reporting bullies and bad actors, and making the internet a more positive and truthful place.

Ask Trish: Social Media and Mental Health

Ask Trish: Social Media and Mental Health

Dear Trish: Maybe it’s just me but I just feel really bad about myself when I’m on social media. Like literally everyone seems to be living their best life and it reminds me how much is wrong with mine. How can I feel better?

Protecting Mental Health on Instagram

Protecting Mental Health on Instagram

I’m grateful to the Wall Street Journal for shedding light on some of the ways social media can contribute to a sense of inadequacy and other mental health issues. But what the article didn’t include is tips on how parents and teens can deal with these issues for a healthier online experience.

Parent’s Guide to Tech for Tots

Parent’s Guide to Tech for Tots

Teaching even our youngest children how to use devices and interact with digital content in a healthy way has become an important part of parenting.

How Smart Watches Monitor Your Health

How Smart Watches Monitor Your Health

So, now that I have all this health technology on my wrist and my phone, there’s only more thing I need to do and that’s to relax and lower my anxiety which, ironically, means spending more time enjoying life and less time looking at the data from the watch I’m wearing.

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Be Safe When Shopping Online

Be Safe When Shopping Online

With the holiday season underway, a lot of people will be shopping online this year. For the most part, it’s pretty safe but there are some basic precautions worth remembering.

Teen’s Street Literacy' Thwarts Phone Thief

Teen’s Street Literacy' Thwarts Phone Thief

My sons are just as smart. On both occasions they deliberately made mistakes entering their passwords and on the first occasion stalled the attackers long enough so as to raise suspicion.  When a passing neighbor shouted out across the street, “Everything all right lads?” the thieves fled. 

Media Literacy for Educators and Families with Young Children

Media Literacy for Educators and Families with Young Children

ConnectSafely’s CEO Larry Magid and K-12 Education Director Kerry Gallagher talk about media literacy aimed at young children and teens. Kerry talks about approaching media literacy in the classroom as an educator while Larry approaches it as a journalist.

Facebook's New Tech to Counter Child Sex Abuse Images

Facebook's New Tech to Counter Child Sex Abuse Images

Podcast | ConnectSafely CEO Larry Magid speaks with Michelle DeLaune, senior VP and COO of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) about the center’s work and new technology being used at Facebook to very quickly identify and remove child pornography.