Wellness & Safety — News & Popular Guides

Ask Trish: Spoken Cyberbullying

Someone on Google Hangouts said a bunch of mean things to me. I was so hurt. What do I do when someone actually says mean things online?

Ask Trish: Stressing About Social Media

Ask Trish: Stressing About Social Media

I’m always so stressed about social media, like who’s viewing my stories, how my pictures look, and if I “measure up” to everyone else. How do I let go?

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Facebook Not Alone in Embrace of ‘Metaverse’

Facebook Not Alone in Embrace of ‘Metaverse’

As you’ve undoubtedly heard, Facebook has renamed itself Meta. Some people thought that was in response to the company’s recent troubles, but a company the size of Facebook doesn’t go through a major rebranding in a matter of weeks. It’s clearly been on the drawing board for months, if not longer.

Avoiding ‘Zoom Fatigue’

Avoiding ‘Zoom Fatigue’

Over the past couple of years there has been an increased focus on screen time. Much of this has to do with the pandemic that has forced both adults and children into video meetings and learning during times when it was considered unsafe to gather in person.

Facebook News: It’s Complicated

Facebook News: It’s Complicated

One of my favorite phrases is “it’s complicated,” because it expresses the fact that many things in life are not as simple as they seem.

What is Digital Wellness?

What is Digital Wellness?

Educators are surely familiar with the term “digital citizenship.” We are familiar with coaching and modeling for our students the ways toward acting as an upstander, blocking and reporting bullies and bad actors, and making the internet a more positive and truthful place.

Ask Trish: Marginalized Groups & Online Hate

Ask Trish: Marginalized Groups & Online Hate

Sometimes mean behavior on social media is super casual. Instead of being harassed, my friends just don’t tag me in a picture. How do I deal with the drama? Is it possible I’m overreacting?

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FCC Allows Phone Companies to Block Robocalls

FCC Allows Phone Companies to Block Robocalls

The Federal Communications Commission voted unanimously on Thursday to allow phone companies to block unwanted robocalls. Companies will now be allowed to block these calls by default

YouTube Cutting Hateful and Extremist Videos

YouTube Cutting Hateful and Extremist Videos

YouTube is pulling the plug on thousands of videos that promote bigoted views, including “videos that promote or glorify Nazi ideology, which is inherently discriminatory,”