Wellness & Safety — News & Popular Guides

How to Protect Your Online Security

How to Protect Your Online Security

Contrary to what you may have heard, the threats don’t always come from hackers with sophisticated computer skills. There are plenty of criminals that use old-fashioned persuasion and trickery

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Ask Trish: Follow Requests

Ask Trish: Follow Requests

I get follow requests from ppl I don’t know, or ppl at my school that I haven’t really talked to and I never know whether I should accept or not. How do u know who to accept?

Ask Trish: Sextortion Facts

Ask Trish: Sextortion Facts

Me last week, reading some recently published articles about sextortion, and thinking to myself: “This issue is too important not to discuss with youth, too. They deserve the facts!”

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Facebook Not Alone in Embrace of ‘Metaverse’

Facebook Not Alone in Embrace of ‘Metaverse’

As you’ve undoubtedly heard, Facebook has renamed itself Meta. Some people thought that was in response to the company’s recent troubles, but a company the size of Facebook doesn’t go through a major rebranding in a matter of weeks. It’s clearly been on the drawing board for months, if not longer.

Avoiding ‘Zoom Fatigue’

Avoiding ‘Zoom Fatigue’

Over the past couple of years there has been an increased focus on screen time. Much of this has to do with the pandemic that has forced both adults and children into video meetings and learning during times when it was considered unsafe to gather in person.